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NFTFair Vaults are responsible for fairly distributing NFTs, a.k.a. Fairdrop, this is all made possible by Conveyor. The Vault contract achieves this by inheriting the ConveyorBase contract.

The NFTVaultBase contract provides the essential features to receive and organize NFTs by assigning categories. A category must be created prior to receiving any NFTs. The vault may reject any incoming NFTs, if a category is not created for that particular NFT contract.

The structure of the Category is the following:

struct CategoryInfo {
  address nft;
  EnumerableSet.UintSet ids;
  EnumerableSet.UintSet claimable_ids;
  uint256 purchaseLimit;
  uint256 price;

Parameter Description
NFT The address of the NFT contract. This address cannot be modified after initialization
ids A list of token IDs that the vault has received. IDs are appended when the onERC721Received hook is called
claimable ids A list of token IDs that are available to claim. A subset of the ids list.
Purchase Limit The maximum amount of NFTs that a user is eligible to claim from the category
Price Amount to be paid in paymentToken to purchase an NFT


function createCategory(
  address _nft,
  uint256 _max,
  uint256 _price

Initializes a category.

Parameter Type Description
Max uint256 The maximum amount of NFTs that a user is eligible to claim from the category
Price uint256 Amount to be paid in paymentToken to purchase an NFT


function updateCategory(
  uint256 _category,
  uint256 _maxPurchase,
  uint256 _price

Updates the properties of a specified category, except for the NFT address. A new category must be created separately for a different NFT contract.

Parameter Type Description
Category uint256 The integer representation of a category
Max uint256 The maximum amount of NFTs that a user is eligible to claim from the category
Price uint256 Amount to be paid in paymentToken to purchase an NFT


function configurePayment(address _newToken, uint256[] memory _prices)

This function allows changing the payment token and/or updates prices across all categories in a single function call.

Parameter Type Description
Token address The ERC20 token address
Prices uint256[] The length of the array must either be 0 or the total number of categories. This transaction reverts otherwise.


function revenuePayout(address _beneficiary, address _token)

The Vault owner calls this function to withdraw revenue out of the vault.

Parameter Type Description
Beneficiary address The recipient address
Token address The ERC20 token address


function recover(uint256[] memory _categoryArr, address _recipient)
The owner can invoke this method to withdraw remaining NFTs from one or more specified categories. This function call effectively empties all categories that are being recovered.

Parameter Type Description
Categories uint256[] One or more categories
Recipient address The recipient address


function claimed(address _user, uint256 _category) public view override returns (uint256[] memory)

Returns a list of token IDs that has been claimed by the _user from a specified _category


function getClaimableIds(uint256 _category) public view override returns (uint256[] memory)

Returns a list of available token IDs from a specified _category.


function getCategoryPrice(uint256 _category) external view override returns (uint256)
Returns the amount of paymentToken required to purchase a single NFT from the specified _category. Call the paymentToken() method to get the ERC20 address of the payment token.


function getCategoryNft(uint256 _category) external view override returns (address)
Returns the address of the NFT contract from the specified _category.


function getCategoryNftIds(uint256 _category) external view returns (uint256[] memory)
Returns the list of token IDs that has been added into this category. This list excludes token IDs that had been recovered by the owner.


function claimableCount(uint256 _category) external view returns (uint256)

Return the number of available token IDs from a specified _category.

This base contract can be extended to implement the claim() function. claim() functions are implemented differently by their templates.