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  • Make your authorised transfer
    participant PW as Primary wallet
    participant Client as 2FA client
    participant DApp as Automata 2FA Guru
    participant Geode as 2FA Guru Geode
    participant Contract as Target contract

  note over PW, DApp: Make authorised transfer
  PW->>DApp: Attempt to transfer 2FA protected assets
  DApp-->>PW: Request 2FA code and recipient address
  PW->>Client: Acquire a valid 2FA code
  Client-->>PW: 6-digit 2FA code
  PW->>DApp: Input the valid 2FA code and recipient address
  DApp->>Geode: Ask for the validation
    note over Geode: Validation succeeded
    Geode-->>DApp: Return a signature based on the actual transaction
    DApp-->>PW: Metamask signature
    PW->>DApp: Make authorised transfer
    DApp->>Contract: Make authorised transfer
    note over Geode: Validation failed
    Geode-->>DApp: Return a validation error
    DApp-->>PW: Request declined
  • Recover your 2FA client
    participant RW as Recovery Wallet
    participant Client as 2FA client
    participant DApp as Automata 2FA Guru
    participant Geode as 2FA Guru Geode
    participant Contract as 2FA authentication contract

  RW->>DApp: Attempt to recover your 2FA client for your primary wallet
  DApp->>Geode: Ask for the validation
  Geode->>Contract: Check the binding relationship
    note over Geode: Validation succeeded
    Geode-->>DApp: Return a new generated secret
    DApp-->>Client: Scan the QR code to set up
    Client->>DApp: Input a 6-digit 2FA code
    DApp->>Geode: Confirm reset
      note over Geode: Validation succeeded
      Geode->>DApp: Reset succeeded
      note over Geode: Validation failed
      Geode->>DApp: Return a validation error
    note over Geode: Validation failed
    Geode-->>DApp: Request declined

Key Components

  • Primary wallet:

The wallet where users store and control their assets.

  • Recovery wallet:

Used for identifying users' roles and resetting the 2FA device. The relationship between the primary wallet and the recovery wallet is saved on-chain after binding.

  • 2FA client:

The device which provides the TOTP(Time-based one-time password).

The dApp hosted by the Automata team. It contains the 2FA management and wallet assets control panels. Users can sign up for 2FA and find the 2FA protected dApps in the management panel. They can also make authorised transfers under the wallet assets control panel.

  • 2FA Guru Geode:

The 2FA middleware which is built upon the Intel SGX. With the provision of a secure, fully-shielded enclave, the platform connects seamlessly with dApps to provide support for 2FA verification on public blockchains. It's responsible for the 2FA secret generation, storage and authentication. Attackers cannot predict or calculate the valid signature outside the enclave, and its storage is encrypted internally and attackers are unable to view anything even if they managed to steal data.

Even though the assets are safe under the 2FA protection, it's still possible for attackers to steal the TOTP by using a phishing attack. To prevent this, we use an anti-phishing feature where our 2FA middleware can analyse the original domain and detect whether it's coming from the phishing domains or links by using daily updated phishing blacklists. If a malicious domain is detected, the geode will not provide a signature to keep users' assets safe. To uphold high security standards, we also support a custom domain whitelist for a specified dApp.