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The prevention of anti-front-running is implemented by requiring that all method calls to the DEX must be only invoked by the Geode. The user submits a request to the Geode by signing the message without spending gas. The Geode later delegates that request to the DEX for a fee that is deducted from the output token.


constructor(address _relayer,address _router,address _factory);

Initializes the Controller, Uniswap Factory, and Router contracts and assigns a relayer.


mapping (address => bool) public relayers;

Key-value pair map that keeps track of the trusted relayers.

Parameter Type
key address Input address
value bool True: address is a trusted relayer. False : otherwise


mapping (address => bool) public uniswapV2TrustedPair;

Key-value pair map that keeps track of the trusted Uniswap token pair addresses.

Parameter Type
key address Input address
value bool True: address is a trusted pair. False : otherwise


modifier relayerOnly();

Verifies msg.sender is a trusted relayer address, otherwise reverts the function call.


function setRelayer(address _relayer) public onlyOwner()

Assigns the input address as a trusted relayer, can only be invoked by the contract owner.

Parameter Type
_relayer address Input address


function isTrustedUniswapV2Pair(address pair) external override returns (bool);

Checks the input address to determine whether it is a trusted Uniswap pair address or not, returns bool.

Parameter Type
pair address Input address


function addTrustedUniswapV2Pair(address pair) public onlyOwner();

Adds the input address as a trusted Uniswap pair address, can only be invoked by the contract owner.

Parameter Type
pair address Input address


function removeTrustedUniswapV2Pair(address pair) public onlyOwner();

Removes the pair address from the uniswapV2TrustedPair map, can only be invoked by the contract owner.

Parameter Type
pair address Input address


function gTokenTransferFrom(
    address asset,
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 amount
) public relayerOnly();

Transfers ERC20 tokens from a sender address to a recipient address, can only be invoked by a relayer.

Parameter Type
asset address The address of the ERC20 token
from address Sender address
to address Recipient address
amount uint256 Amount of tokens to be transferred


function uniswapV2AddLiquidity(
    address from,
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    uint256 amountADesired,
    uint256 amountBDesired,
    uint256 amountAMin,
    uint256 amountBMin,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline,
    bool gasIsTokenA
) public relayerOnly();

This method initially checks for either token A or B balance (depending on gasIsTokenA), to make sure that the user could pay for gas. Then, deducts the token amount, which is transferred to the relayer.

Supplies the token pair to the Uniswap liquidity pool, can only be invoked by a relayer and input tokens must be both wrapped tokens. Any leftover tokens that are not added to the liquidity pool will be refunded to the sender.

Parameter Type
from address The sender address
tokenA address Wrapped Token A address
tokenB address Wrapped Token B address
amountADesired uint256 The amount of A added to the liquidity pool if the B/A price <= (amountofBDesired / amountofADesired) price
amountBDesired uint256 The amount of B added to the liquidity pool if the A/B price <= (amountofADesired / amountofBDesired) price
amountAMin uint256 Bounds the extent to which the B/A price can go up before the transaction reverts. Must be <= amountADesired
amountBMin uint256 Bounds the extent to which the A/B price can go up before the transaction reverts. Must be <= amountBDesired
to address The recipient address of the liquidity token. In this project, it is most likely the sender's address, since they provided liquidity, they should be entitled to getting rewarded with liquidity tokens
deadline uint256 Unix timestamp after which the transaction is reverted
gasIsTokenA bool User to pay gas in Token A or Token B


function uniswapV2SwapExactTokensForTokens(
    address from,
    uint256 amountIn,
    uint256 amountOutMin,
    address[] calldata path,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline
) public relayerOnly();

This method initially checks for the balance of the input token, to make sure that the user could pay for gas. Then after the swapping of tokens, deducts the output token amount, which is transferred to the relayer.

Swaps an exact amount of input tokens for as much of output tokens as possible, can only be invoked by a relayer. Any leftover tokens that are not swapped will be refunded to the sender.

Parameter Type
from address The sender address
amountIn uint256 The amount of input tokens to be sent
amountOutMin uint256 The minimum amount of tokens that must be received, otherwise the transaction reverts
path address[] An array of token addresses. path.length >= 2
to address Recipient of the output tokens. In this project, it is also the sender's address
deadline uint256 Unix timestamp after which the transaction is reverted


function uniswapV2SwapTokensForExactTokens(
    address from,
    uint256 amountIn,
    uint256 amountOutMin,
    address[] calldata path,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline
) public relayerOnly();

This method initially checks for the balance of the input token, to make sure that the user could pay for gas. Then after the swapping of tokens, deducts the output token amount, which is transferred to the relayer.

Swaps an amount of input tokens for exact amount of output tokens, can only be invoked by a relayer. Any leftover tokens that are not swapped will be refunded to the sender.

Parameter Type
from address The sender address
amountInMax uint256 The minimum amount of tokens that must be sent, otherwise the transaction reverts
amountOut uint256 The amount of output tokens to be sents
path address[] An array of token addresses. path.length >= 2
to address Recipient of the output tokens. In this project, it is also the sender's address
deadline uint256 Unix timestamp after which the transaction is reverted