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The base contract is responsible for passing the relayer's signature to be authenticated by the TwoFactorAuthentication contract. The contract then decides to execute or revert a transaction, depending on the data returned by the Authenticator.


constructor (address _authenticator)

The address of the TwoFactorAuthentication contract is required to be passed onto the constructor, and then stored into the twoFactorAuthenticator variable, which is immutable.


function enabled2FAProtection() external

Sets enabled2FA = true. This method enables 2FA protection for all methods with the only2FA modifier.

This method requires onlyOwner.


function disabled2FAProtection() external

Sets enabled2FA = false. Methods with the only2FA modifier are no longer protected.

This method requires onlyOwner.


function enabled2FA() public view returns(bool)

Queries the 2FA protection status of the contract.


modifier only2FA(address primaryWallet)

Even though the modifier requires the input of a primary wallet address, this does not mean the sender necessarily needs to come from the same address as primaryWallet, as long as the embedded signature is generated by a trusted relayer.

Prior to sending a transaction to the contract, the relayer signs a message indicating that the primary wallet holder has provided a valid 2FA code. This signature must be appended into, which is later sliced out by the only2FA modifier to be sent to the Authenticator contract for verification.

See the Appendix section to learn more about the signature extraction process.

Read more about TwoFactorAuthentication to learn the signature verification process.